Retail Design Trends
Creating an innovative retail experience is crucial for physical stores in 2021 and beyound.
The purchase of products is part of our everyday lives and while traditional retail may be in decline, retailing is not – it just requires transformation into something new. Many retail brands have shut their doors either permanently or temporarily. Leading millions of shoppers to turned to the digital space to make their purchases.
In this post we explore what the store of the future could entail, what kinds of innovations are now taking place, and the new propositions and technologies behind it.
Be Brave.
With the rise in popularity of online shopping, retail brands shop owners should implement current retail design trends where suitable.
The key to survival is Reinvention.
In-store shopping is still popular, with many shoppers preferring the tactile experience of physically touching and trying on products and having a more personalised, human to human customer experience. A successful adaptation of the modern shopping journey could marry the experience of online shopping with an in-store experience.
Despite concerns surrounding the death of the high street, research estimates that: stores will still make up over 70% of retail sales by 2025.
Meaning it is more important than ever for retailers to understand how to best utilise their physical spaces. To engage with customers, brands will need to focus on making their own spaces (physical and digital) attractive by providing what customers cannot find elsewhere: new valued experiences, service propositions, customisations, partnerships and unique offers or events.
This kind of innovation is not just hard – it requires creative talent and can be risky.
Retailers will need to play a broader role in customers’ lives to stay relevant and stand out among other competitors.
The next frontier of retail is going to be owned by those who not only meet the bare minimum, but embrace the new world by integrating a bit of ‘edge’ into the modern shopping experience.
Embrace Storytelling
Brand storytelling is one of the top design trends this year, with creating a cohesive narrative that links the facts and emotions of your brand seamlessly together, creating a solid foundation to inspire your audience.
A Minimalist, Sustainable Approach
Incorporating Technology
Home-Like Comfort
Millions of people spent the last year predominantly indoors, shopping from the comfort of their couches, it is beneficial for brands to harness this as a chance to mirror this feeling and create similar levels of comfort in their stores.
The future of stores will primarily be to deliver “what Amazon can’t” in the form of elevated experience, brand story and provenance, infused with emotion and garnished with high-value, data driven human interaction.
Consumers can find everything on-line, so the in-store experience must give them something that is much better.
Stores must be relevant, engaging, and fresh. The goal is not only to make the customer feel as comfortable as possible but also offer something in store that they cannot experience on-line. That might be more than just thephysical environment, natural lighting, materials, selection of goods, etc, but something more intangible, staff interaction, the way it smells and feels, the seasonal changes, activities, the brand story, provenance, authenticity. All culminating in an experience that is rooted in the emotional connection and as consumers we expect brands to have a cohesive emotional experience. Taking on a human-centric approach at every touch point in a retail store is crucial especially when we move toward a blending living approach (on-line and in store).
Retail brands that can identify and deliver personal benefit and enhance customers’ lives will be the ones that achieve greater success.
Pop-Up Retail
Pop-up retail/marketing is becoming an industry in and of itself, permanent spaces that allow for rotating brand representation and pop-up locations are becoming increasingly common.
This shift speaks to the enduring nature of experiential marketing, as consumer attention requires more focus in the face of choice-heavy in-person and online shopping experiences.
Pop up shops give brands a chance to Be Brave and test their offerings in different areas and among varying demographics. This experiment can provide valuable insights regarding the direction of their business, which products are most popular, and how to disperse the offerings based on factors such as location.
In our opinion there is great value in the concept of creating these perishable experiences through pop-ups. Not only from the consumers’ perspective, although undoubtedly it creates a far more rewarding experience, but also from a designers’ perspective too.
Placing an emphasis on the creation of brand experiences to be enjoyed in the here-and-now opens up a whole host of new ideas, new materials, and new approaches. Tapping into a hugely under-utilised toolbox of ideas surrounding how to evoke an emotional connection and appeal to all of our senses.
Pop-ups are the place for retailers to make mistakes, learn, evolve & test. It allows brands to be agile and innovative to their base and gives them permission to behave in a different way that is more creative and playful.
The concept of pop-ups often capitalises on consumers’ fear-of-missing-out (FOMO) mentality. Today’s audience is constantly looking for the next best thing, and pop-ups are a way for retailers to talk about and share their business with others at a time when experiences are a far greater currency than simple in-store transactions.