How to increase customer value in retail?
As consumers we want to experience more variety in all areas of our lives, what we wear, eat, do and where we go. We are more astute and see through the traditional marketing spins. We yearn for authenticity, consistency and most importantly human experience.
Despite multiple pathways and channels, we expect brands to have a cohesive experience. More importantly we have come to redefine what ‘value’ is to us today.
Retail experiences have historically been built around the premise of customers coming to retailers’ owned spaces, whether physical or digital. Visiting these was the only place to be inspired, explore products, make transactions, get advice and support.
Consumers today are spending less and demanding more value than just a transactional need. But value is not the same as price or discounts. Consumers not only expect better behaviour on a many issues from their retail brands, they are willing to pay more for it!
- 53% are ready to pay more for a brand that takes a stand on environmental and social issues.
- 64% of consumers prefer to buy from retail brands with a reputation for having a purpose other than just profits.
Similarly, there are different types of benefits that influence customer decisions. Some include tangible benefits:
like how the product will help them achieve their goals
their image benefits
how owning this product or service will change one’s social status in the eyes of their peers and colleagues.
Increasing customer value
One of the main dangers with this ‘New Human Era’ in retail, is that retailers and brands forget who their customer are and what they are ultimately looking for. It is always difficult to adjust and respond to the pace of change and with consumer expectations becoming more demanding.
However, the best brands take time to build relationships with their customer and are in-tune with their needs and requirements. ‘Shopper first’ retail requires a multi-faceted approach to delivering out-stating customer satisfaction and experience.
It is important to gage that retail has moved away from a ‘Transaction’ based interaction with consumers to that of a ‘Interaction’ based relationship.
The key today is not in a product but rather, in the interaction, improving the selling experience, the overall consumer journey, whether on- or offline (or both) that adds value to a brand and its product(s) / services.